Dear Agent Who Rejected My Manuscript

Dear Agent Who Rejected My Manuscript,

You seem like a great agent, so I was disappointed to hear my manuscript isn't a good fit for you. But your personal reply gave me a boost. I appreciate you taking the time to to explain why we can't move forward and to wish me luck finding the right agent.

I like to imagine that the querying process is a bit like online dating. I feel so ready to find a partner to help me move to the next step as an author. So, I'm perusing online profiles and contacting anyone who looks like a good fit. Then I'm hoping, pacing, praying to find... The One. The one agent who will make my dream come true by turning my manuscript into a book on a shelf at a busy store.

The truth is, I'm feeling desperate, and that's not a great way to feel when starting a new partnership. Perhaps my manuscript and I need a little more time alone together first before continuing the query process. I'd like to feel more confident and less attached to a specific outcome before continuing the agent courting process.

Logically know that some stories are meant to make it out onto the shelves and others... well, some are meant to stay close to our hearts and not venture out into the commercial world. If only I could get my emotions aligned with my head on that point. I'll keep working on it.

The most important thing for me to do is to stay confident and to keep going. Maybe one day I'll find the perfect agent and maybe I won't. Either way I love my story and I'm going to keep writing.

Yours Truly,


  1. It's great you take rejection well. You're totally right about the similarity to online dating. I know the right agent will come along just at the perfect moment. You're a lovely writer and an agent is out there...I'm sure of it!

  2. Great analogy. For me, writing is such a personal process, so I expect rejection feels personal as well. Hang in there. You are on your way.

    1. Thank you Christy! Yes, it does feel very personal. Especially since my manuscript is a memoir, so it's a true story about a specific period in my life. Luckily, I still feel good about the whole process in general. I'll keep sending queries. :)


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