Dear Friday

Dear Friday,

Oh, how I love you! You are a day brimming with hope and possibility for a fun night and weekend ahead. Days like today feel a little lighter and a little brighter than the rest of the week. It got me wondering if perhaps I love you even more than fun-filled Saturday or lazy Sunday? But then who cares about the other days, when there’s today, and today you are my favorite. I love you, Friday.

Yours Truly,


  1. I've spent my Friday so far sitting with a friend for coffee in a hip local coffee house, and now I'm enjoying the view of the passer-bys on the street below with a little breeze in my hair. Thank you Friday!

    1. Sorry for the late reply. That sounds like an awesome Friday!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Christy! SirrS for my late reply.

  3. I confess... I prefer Mondays over Fridays right now. What?! Mondays the kids go to school and I have the quiet house to myself. Fridays signal football games, sleepovers, outings... all fun but not the same as 8 quiet hours to write.

    1. I totally hear that Suze! I also love the quiet Monday brings since I work from home. Not quote as much as Fridays though.


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