Dear MaxE

Dear MaxE,

You've been an awesome car and I can't believe it's time to let you go. You were the first major purchase that my hubby and I worked on together. We searched and searched and we were thrilled to find you.

We took you with us on road trips to Southern California to visit Disneyland. With Disney tunes on Bluetooth we danced along highway 5 tigethto. The trip there always seemed shorter than traveling home somehow.

When I was pregnant, I threw up all over the passenger door. It was a sad moment for us. I cried. You were permanently scarred from the incident too.

You were there for us when we brought our beautiful baby girl home from the hospital. My hubby drove while I sat in the back and held my baby's head upright. Eventually we figured out she would be okay on her own in the back seat.

When we moved away from Monterey to the Sacramento area, you were packed to the brim with suitcases, boxes, and lots of toddler toys. All of us had trouble adjusting to the summer heat. But it was worth it for all the fun times we got to spend with our family who lives close by.

It's time for you to be with an owner who can take care of you better in your old age. My daughter cried and cried over letting you go. She said when she's older she will never get rid of her cars and will keep them forever and ever.

Thank you for being such an awesome car. You've been a part of so many memories and I'll never forget you.

Yours Truly,


  1. Awww...Goodbye MaxE! So glad you had great memories in that car. Your daughter was so sweet to say she'll never get rid of her cars. LOL. We'd all have 7-10 cars parked in our driveways by the time we were in our 50s. sweet.

    1. Exactly NuNu. I laughed a little picturing her keeping old cars forever and becoming an expert mechanic. It could happen, you never know.

  2. So cute to name your car! I’ve always done that, too, but few I actually miss!!

    1. I love naming my cars! I've loved all the ones I've owned, which is a pretty small number.

  3. Some would say it's just a vehicle, but we do create a bond with things, especially when such strong memories are attached to them. If I could afford the car payments, I would get a new (to me) car, but it will be very hard to say goodbye to my truck. It was my mom's who passed away in 2001. Glad MaxE gave you memorable times.

    1. Absolutely we bond with things. I'm so sorry you lost your mom. My mom died in 2006. My sister inherited her car and it was really hard when it stopped working. We still have other things that were hers though. I have some of her favorite afghans and one if her necklaces. They're really important to me. ❤️


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