Dear Sisters

Dear Sisters,

Today is our Summers Sisters September Sunday Soiree. Are there too many S’s in that event? Probably, but moving on.

To my three lovely sisters who were born into the same crazy family as me, I love you. Life wasn’t always easy growing up together, was it? We had epic fights and shouting matches. We learned all about holding grudges and being passive aggressive towards each other. Somehow in the whirlwind of drama, we learned how to love each other. There was a lot of fun times sprinkled in between the chaos too.

When our mom died, it was like a grenade went off in each of our lives. We scattered in different directions, nursing our hurts through vices, adventures, and therapy. We eventually came back to each other though. We had to heal a little bit first, before we could figure out how to function as a family without mom there.

I love you dear sisters, even the one sister who will be noticeably absent today. There is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you. That’s just part of our sisterly bond, I think. We’re forever linked even if we don’t communicate.

For my adopted sisters, who are my cousins, my aunties, my mola, my mom-in-law, and my girlfriends, you are the BEST. Thank you for the special sisterhood we share. We are the kind of women who lift each other up and have each other’s backs. I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

Yours Truly,


  1. Dear Me,
    You're lucky to have so many sisters and special women in your life. I have one sister, one mom, and just a few close girlfriends. They are my confidants and have special access to my heart. Thanks for celebrating the fem-relationships.
    ~ Kelly

    1. Yes, fem-relationships are the best and I'm so grateful to have so many awesome women in my life!! ❤️


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